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Ph.D. Student News October 01, 2024

2024 Ben Bernanke Prize Winner: Georgios Nikolakoudis

Congratulations to Georgios Nikolakoudis – The 2024 Prize Winner!

Each year, the Bendheim Center for Finance awards the Ben Bernanke Prize in Financial and Monetary Economics to an exceptional Princeton Ph.D. student (or students) who has written an outstanding draft of a “job market paper” for the subsequent academic job market in the fields of finance or monetary economics.

This year, Ph.D. student Georgios Nikolakoudis has been awarded this prestigious prize. Nikolakoudis’ job market paper, “Hayek Meets Leontief: Incomplete Information in Production Networks,” borrows tools from the finance literature in studying the informational role of prices and applies them to a production network context. See more about Nikolakoudis’ research on his website.

The prize is named in honor of Ben Bernanke, who as Chairman of Princeton’s Department of Economics established the Bendheim Center for Finance. During his distinguished tenure at Princeton, Bernanke shaped Princeton and taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

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