Permission is sometimes granted for Master in Finance students to work as Assistants-in-Instruction or tutors for other graduate or undergraduate students. Students are only eligible to perform this work during their second year in the program and after they have taken all five core courses.
Any possible AI assignments or Grader appointments must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and typically only 2nd year MFIN students will be permitted to AI or grade any course as long as they have fulfilled all required courses and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students must notify the Academic Administrator of any AI assignment you take, to be registered for the mandatory AI training.
AI appointments for undergraduate courses or undergraduate/graduate courses offer you a stipend AND tuition support with a value that is based on the support hours you are assigned. Some Finance graduate level courses only need graders. These appointments are NOT AI appointments and do not have any interaction with students at all. You strictly offer grading and homework/problem set support to faculty. These appointments are also only allowed a max of “3 hours” (but usually are only 1- or 2-hour assignments) and ONLY provide the stipend rate NOT any tuition support. For more information on payment rates, visit this page. The maximum number of hours that a student can work as an AI or grader per semester is 3 AI hours, or the equivalent of a half AI; this is non-negotiable.
Each year, the Center will have two tutoring options for our Master in Finance students. The first involves tutoring undergraduate students earning Princeton BCF’s Undergraduate Certificate in Finance related to their senior thesis. Secondly, on occasion, there will be a need for tutors for incoming first-year Master in Finance students.
Tutoring by Master in Finance students of students earning the undergraduate Certificate in Finance will be determined on a case-by-case basis and require approval by the Director of Graduate Studies. If approved, undergraduate tutoring will be done on a group basis of no more than 5 students at a rate of $45/hour. Tutors are required to spend a minimum of 1 hour per week with each group.
Second-year Master in Finance students are eligible to tutor first-year Master in Finance students (particularly in Math-related needs), subject to approval by the Director of Graduate Studies. If approved, MFIN tutors will be paid at a rate of $45/hour. The number of hours worked and the number of students supported will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Graduate Studies. Some tutors will tutor up to 2 students and can be done in a group setting depending on the tutees’ needs.
Princeton BCF’s Academic Administrator will conduct periodic status checks with both the tutor and the tutee to verify that the sessions are indeed happening and are useful. If at any time the sessions stop or are not going well, the assignment will be terminated and financial support will be discontinued.