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Apply for the Minor in Finance

Minor in Finance

Apply for the Minor in Finance

Admission Requirements

All Princeton students can apply to the minor program, as long as they have taken the necessary prerequisite courses. While a student’s overall academic record will be considered when a student applies, several foundation courses, or their equivalent, are required for admission into the program.

Interested students normally apply to the minor between June 1 of their sophomore year and June 1 of their junior year. A sophomore applying for admission by June 1 should select their courses in April, assuming they are going to be admitted. Students who apply by June 1 will receive admission decisions by July 31. Those who apply after June 1 will receive decisions after they submit the application, and a copy of their internal transcript as outlined at the end of the application. At that point, they can change course selection if needed.

Late applications from seniors may be considered, provided that the student still has sufficient time and a coherent plan to complete all the requirements of the program (pre-requisites, core, and electives) before graduation and has received the approval firstly from BCF and from their residential college dean to enroll.


Apply for the Minor in Finance

Course Pre-requisites

As economic theory, mathematics, probability, and statistics are pervasive in modern financial analysis, the Minor in Finance requires mathematical ability and preparation. The following foundation courses are required for admission into the program and (except as noted) are ideally completed by the end of sophomore year. All courses require a letter grade (P/D/F not allowed) except as noted below for the two-course combinations satisfying the mathematics prerequisite. Students are required to take prerequisite courses in Mathematics, Economics and Probability and Statistics as follows:


Must complete one of the following:

  • ECO201
  • MAT175
  • MAT201 and MAT202 (both courses must be taken; one can be taken P/D/F)
  • EGR154 and EGR156 (both courses must be taken; one can be taken P/D/F)


Must complete one of the following (no substitutions):

  • ECO300 (Microeconomic Theory)
  • ECO310 (Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach)

Probability and Statistics

Must complete one of the following:

  • ORF245 (Fundamentals of Engineering Statistics)
  • ECO202 (Statistics and Data Analysis for Economics)
  • PSY251 (Quantitative Methods)
  • SML201 (Introduction to Data Science)
  • SOC301 (Sociological Research Methods)
  • POL346 (Applied Quantitative Analysis)
  • SPI200 (Statistics for Social Science)

A score of 5 in AP Statistics, provided it is reflected on your Princeton transcript, also fulfills the statistics prerequisite.


Contact Us

Students with further questions about the admission process or the requirements should contact Academic Administrator, Melanie Heaney-Scott.

Questions regarding the eligibility of courses should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Yacine Ait-Sahalia.